Guest post from Patch!

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Hello everyone! On the 1st of March we celebrate St David’s Day, remembering the patron saint of Wales. This means all things Welsh – daffodils, traditional costumes, singing and Welsh cakes! And you don’t get much more Welsh than me – the Fresh Start Wales mascot, Patch the dragon!

In this blog post I want to tell you what I’ve been up to lately. First of all, I went to Dolau Primary School in Rhondda Cynon Taf, where the pupils have been learning all about the dangers of second hand smoke with our Fresh Start Wales Killer Chemicals film.

We made Killer Chemicals to help children understand what goes into cigarette smoke. It shows some school pupils helping a scientist make a toxic potion using all the ingredients in cigarettes. There are all sorts of things you would not expect, like rat poison, battery fluid and toilet cleaner – yuck! We asked the pupils at Dolau Primary School and they said they definitely would not want to taste the potion or to breathe it in!

Since then the Fresh Start Wales team has started our tour of Communities First areas across Wales, raising awareness of the dangers of second-hand smoke. One of the first stops was at ASDA in Cardiff Bay.

With our giant health and wealth wheel we showed shoppers just how much money they can save if they quit smoking – money which could then go towards their weekly shop! There’s a small health and wealth wheel inside each of our Fresh Start packs, so if you’d like to find out how much you could be saving and how your health will improve if you quit smoking you can request one by emailing with your address.

We’ve also been doing CO testing with the grown-ups, to find out how smoking is affecting their lungs, while little ones have been doing a fantastic job of colouring me in! Head over to our   page to see more photos of me with my new friends.

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