Make a Fresh Start to look after your heart


February is National Heart Month when people all over the UK are encouraged show their support for the British Heart Foundation, an organisation which conducts research into cures for heart conditions and provides assistance to those living with them.

Hopefully by now you’re all aware of the harm smoking does to our lungs, but did you know that it can also cause serious damage to our hearts?

Tobacco smoke affects the cells lining the coronary arteries, causing them to narrow and reducing blood flow to the heart. This may lead to a heart attack. The smoke also increases platelet activity, causing the blood to thicken and become more likely to form dangerous clots.

And it’s not just smokers who are affected – those who breathe in second hand smoke can also suffer from heart problems – and smoking in confined spaces like cars is particularly dangerous.

Opening a window does not reduce the levels of second hand smoke to a safe amount because the smoke simply blows back into the vehicle, where children are usually sitting. Also the toxins can linger in the car’s carpets and seat linings for hours even after the cigarette has been put out, so there is never a safe time to smoke in your car.

If you are a smoker, why not use National Heart Month as an opportunity to make a Fresh Start and give up the cigarettes?

If you’re not ready to quit completely you can still take the first steps by pledging not to smoke in your car or around children. This way you’ll be protecting them from the harm of second hand smoke while also reducing the number of cigarettes you have per day.

To request a Fresh Start pack to help you on your way, please email  with your address.

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