
What are the dangers of smoking in my car and how can I make it smoke free?

Smoking in cars exposes you to over 4,000 deadly chemicals. Unfortunately opening the car window does not remove all of the danger, as more than 80% of cigarette smoke is invisible and if you could see what is really there, you wouldn’t smoke.

The dangerous chemicals can remain in the car for up to 2 hours after you have stopped smoking and can get into the car seats, roof lining and carpets, so your kids are at risk even if you smoke when they are not around. The only way to be completely safe is to stop smoking in your car altogether. For further information and advice on this click here to request your very own Fresh Start Pack.

How long do nicotine cravings last and how can I deal with them?

Learning how to beat nicotine cravings is one of the toughest parts of giving up. Nicotine cravings can be strong, particularly in the first week because nicotine is highly addictive. It might seem easier just to give in to cravings but with a bit of help you won’t have to. It’s always good to keep reminding yourself that over time it will get easier and easier to beat cigarette cravings for good. You can find out more about nicotine withdrawal by clicking here.

What happens when you stop smoking and why is it so hard?

It’s not easy to give up smoking because your body has already become addicted to nicotine which causes your brain to fill with highly addictive chemicals every time you take a puff. By taking our Addiction Test you will see how addicted you already are. It’s because of this addiction that you may encounter withdrawal symptoms when you initially try and give up smoking. These symptoms can be challenging to overcome. They usually start within hours of giving up, and peak within two to three days after your last cigarette. They can last for weeks but these symptoms are actually a good thing – they’re a sign that your body is recovering and soon you will feel healthier and energised. For tips on beating these cravings and give you that little boost to your willpower and for more examples of motivational health benefits just click here.

Does smoking run in families?

No! Just because someone in your family smokes it does not mean that you will smoke too but children who live with parents and brothers or sisters who smoke are more likely to take up smoking themselves. That is why we are asking parents who smoke to make their cars smoke-free so children can be protected from the harms of second-hand smoke.

How do you support someone who's trying to stop smoking?

Giving up smoking can be a challenge. It’s only natural that friends and loved ones will want to do all they can to make it easier. The biggest thing to remember is to stay positive. Staying motivated can be a problem when giving up and it’s important to help keep your Fresh Starter feeling good about it. If they feel good about the progress they’ve made so far, they’ll be more likely to stop smoking for ever. One of the biggest reasons people quit is to benefit their loved ones. That means you! If someone you know is quitting, make sure they know how much you appreciate their hard work. If you feel like your Fresh Starter needs a chat then, the NHS Smokers Helpline is on hand to help. It provides clear and easy to understand information that can help anyone trying to stop and is also a good resource for those looking for advice on how to get someone to stop smoking. Just call 0800 085 2219. The NHS Stop Smoking Wales service provides more detailed advice, support and encouragement to help you stop smoking for good. It offers one-to-one or group support and it’s completely free of charge. They will also be able to advise you on getting the right stop smoking medicines. With help from your local NHS Stop Smoking Service you’re up to four times more likely to quit than if you choose to go it alone.

Can I just open my window in my car when I smoke?

Some people think that if they open a car window the risk of second-hand smoke disappears. Wrong. If you open a car window the smoke can blow into the back seat where children are usually sitting so there is never a safe time to smoke in the car.

The only way to make your car smoke free is to stop smoking in it, for further information and advice click here to request your very own Fresh Start pack.

Smoking in cars - what are the laws?

It is currently not against the law to smoke in your car but the Welsh Government will consider banning people from smoking in their cars when carrying children if people do not change their habits to protect children.

Am I addicted to cigarettes?

If you are unsure on how reliant you are on cigarettes take our addiction test by clicking here. The results will help you decide what support you should use to help you to successfully stop smoking.

How can I give up smoking?

It’s best to avoid all the places or situations that you associate with smoking and good to remind yourself why you are giving up. Keeping busy and getting plenty of fresh air will help you to stay on track. It’s isn’t easy to get through the first few days and weeks but there is plenty of help available. Choose a date to give up and stick to it. Tell all your friends and family that you are giving up and ask them to support you.

Did you know that you are four times more likely to stay stopped with support from Stop Smoking Wales? For more information on this click here.

What are all the benefits of quitting?

Stop smoking and you’ll see health benefits, and not just minor ones. Here are a few of the key areas where making a Fresh Start makes a huge difference; you will start to see changes in your physical appearance such as younger looking skin and whiter teeth. There are many long term health benefits as well, such as; longer life, less stress, improved smell and taste and lots more energy. For more information click here.

How much could I save if I stopped smoking?

Making a Fresh Start isn’t just good for your health. It’s good for your wealth! The financial benefits can be huge and knowing how much money you stand to gain is one more motivating factor that can help you stop smoking for good.
The savings you could make depend on how much you smoke now and what kind of tobacco you usually use. Use our stop smoking calculator to see how much money you will save if you gave up today!

What products can help me quit smoking and are they free?

There are many medicines to help you on your journey to a smoke free life. One quick way to get free help is by ordering your Fresh Start Pack. Inside the Fresh Start Pack you’ll find free practical help, information and advice on stopping smoking in your car and how to take the next steps to stopping completely. The pack also includes a few free stop smoking aids to make the journey a bit more fun!

We know that giving up smoking can be hard but if you can get through the tough moments, the rewards to you and your health will be huge.

Who can help me quit smoking?

When you give up smoking, you don’t have to go it alone. Free stop smoking help is available to everyone. It’s called the NHS Smokers Helpline and it offers friendly advice and the support you need. Whether you need advice on how to give up, the benefits of becoming a non-smoker, or practical help with dealing with cravings, our hotline is there for you. If you’re having a craving, pick up the phone not a cigarette. You can speak to a trained Health Information Adviser on 0800 169 0 169 free of charge Monday to Friday between 9am & 7pm and on weekends between 10am & 4pm.

What should I do when I see parents smoking around children?

You should ask them if they know how dangerous it is to expose children to second-hand smoke and tell them about Fresh Start Wales and this website.

Is it ok to smoke when pregnant?

Smoking when you’re pregnant is damaging to you and your unborn child.

For more information on stopping smoking during pregnancy please call Stop Smoking Wales on: 0800 085 2219 or Smokers Helpline Wales: 0800 169 0 169.